Friday, March 7, 2008

Sew your wild hops

I have the good fortune to have a sister that lives in the heart one of the finest beer countries in Europe. She resides in "Pilsner Central" a.k.a. the Czech Republic. My Czech brother-in-law would say it is the only place you can drink true pilsner. For family reasons, I am not, in any way, prepared to contradict this. I think he is still mad at us for bringing Belgian beer to his house for Christmas. Anyway, my sister reminded me today that Europe is full of wild hops. She said that she had some growing on her fence and would like to send some to me. Of course, I could never condone that sort of behavior because I know it is highly illegal to send unauthorized produce through the mail! Apparently though, there are wild hops growing all over the world- even in China and Japan! This got me thinking about the current hops shortage. I think there's gotta be someone out there willing to brew with wild hops. Just think of all the mysterious new brews! Beer brewed with "local, wild hops"- sounds like something that would send Barbara Kingsolver and her locavores into raptures.

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