Thursday, May 15, 2008

Beer Makes News!

Not to brag, but, it just so happens that two of my recent blog topics have made NPR this week: women brewing AND the rising price of beer. What can I say? You read it here first!

The biggest news is that for the first time EVER a woman won the Brewmaster Award at the World Beer Cup. Way to go, Tanya Cornett of Bend Brewing Company in Colorado! Sadly, Tanya's beer is only available in Bend. I included the link to the interview on "The Bryant Park Project" here out of respect for Tanya, but it's kind of dumb. The guy interviewing this poor lady describes himself as a "big beer guy" and then goes on to ask if bock beer means that the beer is made from scraping the bottom of beer barrels. Huh? Then they discuss maibock and he asks if a maibock is "one of those thick beers?" What?????

Link to interview:

Then, while listening to "All Things Considered" I thought I had found a small sliver of solace in this short commentary by Dennis O'Toole about the rising price of beer.

Link to interview:

But the solace was short lived and just made me get on this here soap box.

The rising price of beer is certainly not a new topic, so I think the only way Mr. O'Toole got his lame piece accepted was through some gratuitous democratic candidate name-dropping to keep things "current". He mentions in his commentary that Obama was seen drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon. He gives us this random tidbit to prove that Barack might care about the rising price of beer. All I've got to say is- anyone drinking a PBR definitely doesn't care about the cost of beer, or beer at all for that matter. Clearly, there must have been an ulterior motive. Um, I don't know- maybe he's drinking it for political points? Have you been listening to all the media blather labeling this guy an "elitist"? Personally, I have no problem with a presidential candidate being an elitist. I don't want "average guys" running the free world- that's how we got the Bush administration. We can probably surmise that Obama got way more out of publicly imbibing this classic "average guy beer" than any of the poor shmoes that actually drink it. I guess this is what actually links a guy like Barack to the "average guy"- they're both not drinking Pabst for the taste. On the contrary, Mr. O'Toole! This beer wasn't expensive! It was probably the CHEAPEST public relations play Barack made in years. What a deal! Drink a crappy brew and look instantly "average" for 5 bucks or less! (assuming he payed for it, which he probably didn't)
I'm just trying to imagine the conversation.
Obama to Bartender: "Make it a Pabst!"
Bartender to Obama: "OK, that'll be five dollars."
Obama to bartender and roaring of the crowd of average admirers:
"Hey now, beer is getting more and more expensive, isn't it? Don't worry people! Change is on the way!"

However, perhaps there might be a glimmer of hope here. At least Obama, unlike Bush, is allowed to drink a beer in public. This is because, unlike George W., Barack knows when to say when.

Recently, there was a huge media twit over Bush drinking what turned out to be a non-alcoholic beer with Angela Merkel in France at the G8 summit. Oh no! Bush is off the wagon! Trust me here folks, this is the least of our concerns. Which brings me to the question: if we can't trust our president with a non-alcoholic beer, just what can we trust him with?

Here he is folks, Mr. Average Guy! Nothing elite here! Admire the poise, the dignity, the patronizing look on Ms. Merkel's face.... I bet she had a couple glasses of scotch and a tranquilizer after having to spend the whole day with George. Now what do you suppose Ms. Clinton and Mr. McCain drink?

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