Friday, May 2, 2008

Forget Burning Your Bra, Brew Beer Instead!

Traditionally, beer was brewed at home by housewives-at least until the church and the government got involved. Yes, you heard that right, it was a wifely duty to brew beer. In the 1700's, female brewers were the norm. In England during the 1700s, a survey found 78% of licensed brewers were women. In fact, certain laws stated that the tools used in brewing were solely the woman's property. Hah! Back off, man! Git yer hands off MY fermentin' vessel!
It is said that in medieval times, female herbalists and healers used to make the best beer of all. But, that gave these industrious women too much status and power- so the Catholic church took that power away from them. These women then became widely known as "witches". From this time on, monasteries took over most of the brewing of beer and used the proceeds to supplement there cost of living. Now, fast forward a couple hundred years to that ugly thing called prohibition (perpetuated by housewives I am embarrassed to say). Thank God Jimmy Carter finally put an end to that when he signed the bill that allowed people to brew beer at home again! Finally, a president who did something useful AND democratic. The truth is, that beer making has almost always been associated with power, and financial independence. And who doesn't want that, right? Ahhh, imagine if you will, that instead of having to work full time jobs and endlessly driving children to soccer practice, violin lessons, etc. women all over the world were brewing beer instead!

Previously, I have wondered why I should learn to brew when there are so many beers out there that I already liked. But what's a beer drinkin' lady like myself supposed to do when my favorite beers are now priced out of my budget? REVOLT!!! I guess I finally have to show all these greedy capitalists how it's done and brew some beer of my own. And, since I am a chick, no doubt I'll be really good at it. So ladies, let's go where Martha Stewart has never gone before, and get back to some real hardcore domesticity! Forget Desperate Housewives and making beaded napkin rings! Make your kid late for gymnastics and brew the good stuff! I'm guessing your husband wouldn't mind a bit. Except, perhaps, when you lord your newly acquired power over him by pronouncing that no more beer will be brewed for the summer unless he gets his butt out there and mows the lawn..... To be fair though, this could really work both ways. She or he who brews the best beer gets to wear the pants!


Brian Bird said...

Yay for women brewers and Hurrah for their right to do it! DIYS Do it yourself is one of my favorite credos!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ms. Chops. Now my "DH" (as the ladies call them) expects me to greet him at the door with his slippers and a stein of homebrew. You suck!

Ms. Chops said...

Dear June,

Don't worry. He is just confused. Don't forget beer is not just a delicious beverage, it is a powerfully persuasive tool. Brew the beer, then hide it from him. Just make sure you're the one on the couch at the end of the day drinking your homebrew when he walks through the door. The power will be yours.