OK, so I have been voicing a lot of complaints recently. What can I say, I got stuck on the soap box and found out the extra height is slimming. So here's my next rant: the falling value of the dollar is making imported beer way too expensive! I am all for paying more for a quality product but, that is not the issue here. Yes, the FED has told you that the AVERAGE American will not really notice the devaluation of the dollar and only people who travel a lot will. But what about us, supposedly "unaverage" people who like good beer? Well, " Helicopter Ben", I'm pretty sure anyone who likes imported beer has noticed. I really noticed when I called my supplier and he informed me that the price of my next keg went up 55 dollars because the dollar is so weak. I guess I should just console myself with the fact that a keg of, gag, Corona might not be going up anytime soon. Maybe that's what Ben drinks with his dinner every night. Somehow, I doubt it. On the other hand, if the Canadian dollar rises anymore, we probably won't be able to afford Labatt's. I realize, the price of everything is going up, blah..blah...blah. I, personally, am willing to drag myself to work on bare bloody stumps to save on gas, but forgo imported beer? This is an outrage!!! I don't want to pay for other people's bad mortgages, or banks that made bad investments, and I refuse to drink Budweiser! I just want good, affordable beer. Is that really too much for this average American to ask Ben?
Sing it, sister. Before you know it, you'll be drinking Pabst and I'll be eating Circus Peanuts and Palmer "chocolate." grrrr.
Maybe now that the Czech Republic has overnight gone from a meek Eastern European "developing economy" to an international financial powerhouse, I could fed-ex you a couple of kegs of the Czech stuff, though (sigh), I know it isn't Belgian...
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