Thursday, November 6, 2008

Confessions of a Wayward Blogger

In the spirit of the new year I have looked deeply inside myself and realized these truths about my blog: 1) I possess subconscious, deep-seeded guilt about not blogging 2) I am much better at blogging in the winter, preferably when crippled. 3)I actually need my blog because otherwise, I have no idea what the hell I did last year.
So, since being crippled isn't an attractive option, my New Year's resolution will be to bank my blog entries when I have the time (winter) and distribute them evenly throughout the year so as not to frustrate my Mom and the very few other regular readers who have not forsaken me. Also, while I am confessing- I actually promised to persist with Hops and Chops because I sold my soul to Miss Yum Yum for this box of free Dove chocolates.

I do feel that the key to having a guilt-free blog means maintaining consistency. I feel readers should expect something at least every week. Therefore, I will try to make one weekly post, perhaps more. This should not be too difficult considering there is so much to tell. This would be a lot easier as well if some of you lurkers would come out of the shadows and help me like I asked.

At the risk of sounding like my boss- I really have been very busy. Although, unlike my boss who uses this phrase as a euphemism for "I have to go to the yacht club and put my boat in the water" I really do have a lot of stuff to blog about.

The Naughty Nurse is responsible for much of this new found content of interest.
If you had a Hops and Chops time line you would see that the same time we met the Naughty Nurse directly corresponds with the egregious lack of blog entries. This is because our new found friend is not only a very knowledgeable home brewer, but also a very serious task-master. As a result, we have had a very full beer schedule in 2008. The good news is- Mr. Chops and I have been learning to brew beer! We attended home brew beer meetings, and home brew competitions, and learned to brew beer using all grain. We have also been introduced to the wonderful world of making hard cider. Not only this- but the Nurse has also showed us to how to roast coffee at home! All this, of course, would keep any normal people busy, but not us! We have also made our first confit, venison sausage, malt vinegar, gone on a smoked meat pilgrimage and discovered goose bacon.

There is one bit of bad news- I still can't bring myself to eat a squirrel. But perhaps, if Mr. Goodbar and Ms. Yum Yum had called us when they had six of them living in their house, we could have crossed that one of our list and had a delicious dinner to boot!